Country over Party

Country over Party

This week we saw such a clear illustration of what’s right – and wrong – in Washington.

Let’s start with Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick and his bipartisan allies working courageously to pass their Defending Borders, Defending Democracies Act. This legislation is the best chance we have in 2024 to address the immigration and security crisis at the border, and to get absolutely critical aid to our allies in Ukraine, Israel, and the Indo-Pacific.

Yesterday Rep. Fitzpatrick indicated he’s begun working to file a discharge petition to bring the bill directly to the floor under expedited consideration. There’s a reason that made headlines. Filing a discharge petition as a member of the majority party, as Rep. Fitzpatrick is doing, means challenging your own party's leadership in service of doing what you know is right for the country.

But Rep. Fitzpatrick has decided he cares more about his country than his own political prospects.

Rep. Fitzpatrick’s brave action is a stark contrast to the lack of responsibility shown by much of the rest of Congress. Yesterday, the House announced it would adjourn early after passing a stopgap funding bill to avert a government shutdown. But they apparently feel no urgency to either pass a longer-term funding agreement or to pass legislation to secure our border and protect our allies.

Rep. Fitzpatrick and his allies are fighting an uphill battle to do the right thing, while Congress is once again kicking the can down the road and getting off scot-free. Talk about quiet quitting. It's no wonder America’s faith in Congress has never been lower.

America’s commonsense majority needs to stand up and demand a change.