The Detroit News: No Labels a spoiler? Only for duopoly

Democrats are frantically trying to build the narrative that a strong independent candidate for president in 2024 will spoil Joe Biden's chances and elect Donald Trump as president.

So, the party that casts itself as the defender of democracy is subverting the democratic process by raising money to keep the No Labels movement off the ballot.

It doesn't say much for their confidence in Biden that Democrats are afraid a third-party alternative will coax more votes from the president than from the Republican Trump.

The effort to block No Labels not only exposes the hypocrisy and insecurity of Democrats, but also is a miscalculation of how the presidential race will play out if voters have a strong third choice.

A poll from Citizens to Save Our Republic, one of the Democratic-aligned groups seeking to tank No Labels, finds a third-party candidate would cost Biden 13 percentage points and Trump only eight percentage points, narrowly tipping the election to the former president.

I'm not buying it for a few reasons.

Read the full article here.