Five Facts on the Department of Justice Investigations

Five Facts on the Department of Justice Investigations

The Department of Justice (DOJ) has been in the news lately for running investigations into high-profile political figures. Here are five facts to know about these investigations.

  1. Federal officials are investigating both Republicans and Democrats.

The FBI’s search of former Republican president Donald Trump’s Florida home, Mar-a-Lago, made global headlines, but DOJ officials also have ongoing investigations into the business dealings of President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, as well as Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ), among other figures.

  1. DOJ often doesn’t publicize its investigations into political figures.

Former DOJ official Emily Pierce told The Texas Tribune that “In general, the department has shied away from taking any overt investigative actions against political figures when an election is looming.” According to John Bash, a former U.S. Attorney, DOJ aims to avoid appearing as though its involved in the political process.

  1. Previous investigations have led to high-profile convictions.

From former-Illinois Democratic Governor Rod Blagojevich to former House Speaker Dennis Hastert, the DOJ has racked up a lengthy list of notable political figures they have convicted on charges ranging from corruption to fraud.

  1. Politicians criticize DOJ investigations for meddling in politics.

Former President Trump has repeatedly portrayed DOJ investigations into him and his allies as politically motivated witch hunts. Some supporters of Hillary Clinton argue then-FBI Director James Comey played a role in her losing the 2016 election. With less than 60 days to go, Comey made public comments on Clinton’s controversial use of a private email server during her time as Secretary of State.

  1. High-profile political investigations often have the support of the public.

An August poll by NBC News found that 57% of Americans believe that investigations into former President Trump should continue. Meanwhile, Rasmussen polling showed that 62% of likely voters approve of the incoming Republican majority in the House investigating Hunter Biden.