Fox News: Group quietly mobilizing bipartisan 2024 ‘Unity Ticket’

Fox News: Group quietly mobilizing bipartisan 2024 ‘Unity Ticket’

No Labels may convene a convention in early 2024 to announce a ticket that would include a Democrat and a Republican

Fox News published an article by reporters Jacquie Heinrich and Brooke Singman discussing No Labels' rollout of its 2024 Unity Ticket project that stated, "A centrist group is quietly mobilizing a major bid to launch a bipartisan Unity Ticket in 2024 featuring both a Democrat and Republican for the White House as President Biden and former President Trump move closer to announcing re-election bids."

The article quoted No Labels Co-Executive Director Margaret White, who said, "If nothing else, we hope this effort will wake up both parties to the fact there is a huge portion of the country they often ignore and who are desperate for something better than what they’ve been offered lately. In the end, No Labels will ultimately look to the public and our members to indicate whether they truly have a desire to vote for a Unity ticket."

You can read the full article here.

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