For No Labels, success means that Washington is once again capable of solving our critical challenges through bipartisanship.
screeWe understand that some of America’s biggest successes came from when our leaders reached out across the aisle. So we think big – for No Labels, success means Washington is once again solving our critical challenges through bipartisanship.
The two biggest pieces of legislation in the past decade — the 2010 Affordable Care Act and the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act — were both passed along party-line votes. In the past, party-line votes used to rarely happen because our elected leaders understood that ramming through huge societal changes with little to no buy-in from the minority party was a recipe for endless discord and division. A situation that we find ourselves in today.
The most consequential and durable changes in America have happened when Democrats and Republicans sat down together and hashed out a deal. We know that these debates are tough and that passions run deep on both sides of the aisle, but America’s greatest leaders need to know they were elected to do a job – and that job is to pass laws and make changes that can make America better than it is today. Almost every landmark achievement in the 20th century was passed this way:
We are the great American majority who demands cooperation because when we cooperate we do great things. We are not a third party, but a third bloc in American politics of pragmatic leaders from across the political spectrum. Join us.