

Like you, we have witnessed the chaos unfolding at Columbia University.

Antisemitic protestors forcefully occupied a Columbia University building until they were finally removed and arrested last night by the New York City police department. But we fear this crisis is far from over. Across the country, campus unrest is escalating at a moment where Jews in America are being subjected to more hate crimes than ever before.

It’s wrong, and it compels us to stand together – Democrats and Republicans alike – to denounce this antisemitism and to prevent it from escalating. In fact, later today the U.S. House is scheduled to vote on the Antisemitism Awareness Act (HR 6090), which would broaden the government’s definition of antisemitism to include the targeting of Jewish Americans for association with or connection to the State of Israel.

This bill is sponsored by Representative Mike Lawler (NY) and includes cosponsors like longtime No Labels ally Representative Josh Gottheimer. They exemplify what leadership from both sides of the aisle can look like in this time of crisis. Last week, Representative Gottheimer stood with Jewish students at Columbia, condemning the hatred and violence casting an ugly shadow over Morningside Heights.

We have captured the essence of their leadership in a special video tribute that you can view here:

Leaders like Representatives Gottheimer and Lawler are showing what real bravery looks like by taking a stand against this effort to marginalize and intimidate Jews. Unfortunately, many political and university leaders have lacked the moral clarity and resolve to stand up to the bullies and extremists who are turning our college campuses upside down. That’s why it's so important for the commonsense majority to get behind those leaders -- like Gottheimer and Lawler – who do have the courage to do what’s right.

Join No Labels today in this critical fight and sign our petition to denounce antisemitism at U.S. Universities. By standing united, we can ensure that our campuses – and our country – remain places of freedom, learning, and respect.