What Does the New Congress Look Like?
The two most common colors in American politics are Republican red and Democrat blue, but in Washington, the dominant color might actually be gray.
While census data lists the median age of Americans as 38 years old, the average age of the outgoing 117th Congress is 59 years old.
However, with a sizable number of members retiring come January, the door is open for fresh blood to come to Capitol Hill, and Congress could in fact get younger.
An analysis by Axios confirmed that many of the members who ran for newly open seats are relatively younger.
They identified 147 non-incumbent House candidates either set to win a seat, or otherwise in a competitive race, and found that this group’s average age was 47 – 11 years younger than the House average of 58.
Likewise, all seven new senators taking office in January are younger than the outgoing senators they’re replacing.